
Exploring the importance of the notion of meaning and signifier in Lacan's linguistic approach, highlighting the concept of the 'impossibility of m...

Exploring the importance of the notion of meaning and signifier in Lacan's linguistic approach, highlighting the concept of the 'impossibility of metalanguage' and its consequences for psychoanalytic study. Which of the following is NOT part of the trajectory of linguistic studies that shaped Lacan's perspective?
Ferdinand de Saussure
Mikhail Bakhtin
Émile Benveniste
Noam Chomsky
Michel Pêcheux

a) Ferdinand de Saussure
b) Michel Foucault
c) Émile Benveniste
d) Mikhail Bakhtin
e) Noam Chomsky

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Lig Cognição - Gabriel Manges
3 pág.

Psicologia Universidade Veiga de AlmeidaUniversidade Veiga de Almeida

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A resposta correta é a letra b) Michel Foucault. Ele não faz parte da trajetória de estudos linguísticos que influenciaram a perspectiva de Lacan.


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