
Which of the following is an example of disjunctive syllogism? "He would quench his thirst with juice or soda at the club. Not having juice, he d...

Which of the following is an example of disjunctive syllogism?

"He would quench his thirst with juice or soda at the club. Not having juice, he drank soda."
"A total of seven or eight students went to the meeting. If seven didn't go, then they didn't go."
"He traveled on the weekend, but not on Sunday."
"He said he would go on Wednesday or Thursday, but ended up not going on any day."
"A proposition is true or false. If it's not true, then it must be false."

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Raciocínio Lógico, Crítico e Analítico Contábil Estatística Aplicada Às Análises Contábeis Universidade da AmazôniaUniversidade da Amazônia


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The example of disjunctive syllogism is: "He would quench his thirst with juice or soda at the club. Not having juice, he drank soda."



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