
i - ANKI B2 - L32

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	g+tHM?A$r3	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	Do you surf? Do you snowboard? [sound:google-5963a2be-3e50b678-638ded45-f56a6aa5-95fc0095.mp3]	Você surfa? Você pratica snowboard?	
	L,Mqjtd40f	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	Would you have the courage to parachute? [sound:google-52f544a3-03041ee5-6b76f76a-9f8cb548-37aa4119.mp3]	Você teria coragem de saltar de paraquedas?	
	buv8D{1FR)	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	Would you have the guts to bungee jump off that bridge? [sound:google-a4421b5f-75bd3d35-be639b6a-23c07633-8588d748.mp3]	Você teria coragem de pular de bungee jump daquela ponte?	
	wJ#(NduRaD	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	How high is that bridge? [sound:google-9d922b96-a55788fa-db673862-28f4c81a-44ef0cb3.mp3]	Qual a altura dessa ponte?	
	n2[.>se4F4	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	I am afraid of the sea. [sound:google-c2171a88-1bfabd2e-4c883e9e-637e1de2-4340daf4.mp3]	Tenho medo do mar.	
	uK3Uf|$a<w	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	Would you be afraid to dive into a cave? [sound:google-08f9eed5-46da19ea-acb510f2-b09039dc-e049fb30.mp3]	Você teria medo de mergulhar em uma caverna?	
	PuMl(B_)={	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	The sea frightens me. [sound:google-91212d8b-36fc1fb8-f01ece8c-09cdfed3-6ec7c1fe.mp3]	O mar me assusta.	
	vds>4^pfIb	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	I fear that the sea is very rough today. [sound:google-68b72320-2c14da9d-6a4fcaab-bd051b0c-93bf10c4.mp3]	Receio que o mar esteja muito agitado hoje.	
	x-[!*=pJoK	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	I am afraid that the sea is very rough today, we will not be able to surf. [sound:google-90a73b3f-3c9e2906-e6713e8b-9e38d80a-678cc42e.mp3]	Receio que o mar esteja muito agitado hoje, não poderemos surfar.	
	33WKFf9{_	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	I&#x27;m afraid the river is very rough today, we won&#x27;t be able to go rafting. [sound:google-e11865e3-722a873f-279cefcc-40362dc2-5afea810.mp3]	Receio que o rio esteja muito agitado hoje, não poderemos fazer rafting.	
	OA*&.60]ZZ	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	I fear that the wind is very strong today. [sound:google-f4ff1beb-3dab70f6-debccb91-06de2e95-c9290a89.mp3]	Temo que o vento esteja muito forte hoje.	
	wCD|Q7ic8X	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	The tide is high. [sound:google-b95e1ac0-987e2799-c676b071-feb109ea-41e0c358.mp3]	A maré está alta.	
	t*Lrn$6kWt	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	Why are you scared? [sound:google-1a45c4e9-cac847d8-979a534a-6fdddcdd-ea3a32c6.mp3]	Porque você está assustado?	
	Cb3).T<c?Z	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	Don&#x27;t you dare jump off this bridge. [sound:google-02113e63-6dc018cb-c231599a-3e7c914a-c64c7480.mp3]	Não se atreva a pular desta ponte.	
	cM%S=xa:C]	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	I am addicted to extreme sports. [sound:google-6fb5914d-e56d9284-35e92f44-84a8872a-b25c2414.mp3]	Sou viciado em esportes radicais.	
	oTU(iP]R!4	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	Why do you think I would jump off a bridge? Are you crazy? [sound:google-dadf47b7-e49c29aa-fcfc1479-dae7bed6-78893aa6.mp3]		
	J3]`f(6jb]	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	Some extreme sports really scare me. [sound:google-802d2870-57b39ad1-5241c5bd-a9866c5f-46318a87.mp3]		
	Dl8!)K1<Ys	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	You could give me all the money in the world and I still wouldn’t jump. [sound:google-feaf62df-3605686a-1442ec79-2bfedc91-c6a2809e.mp3]		
	NLCc)#J+7}	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	Would you have the guts to surf big waves? [sound:google-e24945c3-4d153994-f1596162-250913c4-e8b8e3bf.mp3]		
	xDM)o=j^Jn	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	New Zealand is one of the best destinations in the world for extreme sports enthusiasts. [sound:google-8d401e65-7ac263aa-49951fa0-8e5b01bb-7dbda808.mp3]		
	e>_9p!5Au9	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	The thought o f bungee jumping to me is terrifying. [sound:google-961f80e1-3ce23ec3-51fd2169-1c0c7df3-14619002.mp3]		
	Ke7{yAwf7n	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	Zip lining is really thrilling. You should try it some day. [sound:google-952112c6-993b8dfb-713f2eff-acfc4b0b-0f36b7d2.mp3]		
	EYi97088Bm	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	Do you know how high that cliff is? [sound:google-74f91884-1f9eed51-b0b72126-34b86b37-caccdd56.mp3]		
	rE9=a;Io^O	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	I would like to go scuba diving. [sound:google-71627931-dd72c45f-b6d986a3-aac0073a-af55b52f.mp3]		
	brYo+]lbtg	Básico	ANKI B2 - L32	Skydiving really gets your blood pumping. [sound:google-ff736db9-9a0c9227-f6e4aaa7-3ced3b9d-edfd3793.mp3]

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