
- Teste de Abordagem comunicativa - Maria Alice Capocchi

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- Teste de Abordagem comunicativa - Maria Alice Capocchi
1 In the communicative approach, it is advisable to begin comprehension work when teaching
to elicit meaning from the students to see if someone already knows it.
2 Which of these best describes the direct method?
All of the above.
3 Language awareness refers to
becoming familiar with language.
4 The Communicative Approach
focuses on using language for real communication - learner wants to be.
5 The four systems of the language are
grammar, function, pronunciation and lexis.
6 We would be more likely to analyze the different sounds of the words ‘watch’ and ‘wash’ from
a phonology point of view.
7 Adult learners need lessons that potentialise on
real life application of what they are learning.
8 An important reason for learning English is
that it has become an international language.
9 Function communicates
a specific communicataion purpose we want to achieve.
10 Which of these best describes the grammar-translation method?
teacher centered, explanation in L1.