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	1a Questão (Ref.:201603357519)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	In which option the words are incorrectly analyzed considering the word class and the clause element of the following sentence: 'Computers are fairly commonplace today.' ?
	c) commonplace - adjective-head of complement
	a) computers - noun- head of the subject
	e) today - adverb-adverbial
	b) fairly - adverb-adverbial
	d) are - verb-transitive verb
	Gabarito Coment.
	2a Questão (Ref.:201603357520)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	In which sentence the word AFTER is incorrectly analyzed?
	a)He asked after you. (preposition)
	e)In after years the days followed as the same. (preposition)
	b)She was named after her mother. (preposition)
	c)He left three hours after (adverb)
	d)I saw them after I arrived.(conjunction)
	3a Questão (Ref.:201604018373)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Qual das alternativas a seguir poderia ter a lacuna corretamente preenchida pela preposição WITH ?
	They have to stay here _____ 5 p.m.
	I am really angry _____ you.
	She is afraid _____ spiders.
	She felt a little annoyed ____ our delay.
	They are leaving _____ a few minutes.
	4a Questão (Ref.:201603357530)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	What is the semantic classification of this preposition in the sentence: 'He works like a dog'. ?
	a) time
	c) comparison
	d) source
	b) concession
	e) place
	5a Questão (Ref.:201603357555)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Complete with the proper preposition:
I. I need to apologize ______ you.
II.I agree ______ that proposal.
III. I agree ______ you.
IV. I agree ______ this price.
V. I agree ______ principle.
	d) with - to - with - on - in
	e) to - to - with - in - in
	a) with - with - with - on - in
	b) to - to - with - on - in
	c) with - to - with - on - on
	6a Questão (Ref.:201603426903)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	In which alternative we can't end the sentence with a preposition?
	b) She displayed the good humor she's known for.
	d) Which book are you referring to?
	c) I want to know where he came from.
	e) What did you step on?
	a) Where are you at?
	7a Questão (Ref.:201603724510)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Which of the following adjectives is dynamic?
	c) red
	a) old
	8a Questão (Ref.:201603357620)
	Acerto: 0,0  / 1,0
	What is the correct order: a - knife - steel - carving - new?
	a new steel carving knife
	a steel knife new carving
	a steel carving new knife
	a knife new steel carving
	a carving new steel knife
	Gabarito Coment.
	9a Questão (Ref.:201603772402)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	In grammar, a phrase is a group of words that functions as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence. Phrases may be classified by the type of head taken by them. Considering the sentence: "The children in class 5 play the piano delighted to meet you very quickly."", in which alternative the phrase is incorrectly analyzed?
	delighted to meet you - adjective phrase
	the children in class 5 - noun phrase
	play the piano - verb phrase
	in the garden - noun phrase
	very quickly - adverb phrase
	Gabarito Coment.
	10a Questão (Ref.:201603900331)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Adjective phrases have two primary uses: they can be used to modify nouns inside noun phrases (Attributive); they can be predicatives in clause structure (Predicative). Consider the following sentence:
"An intelligent and revolucionary policy to keep inflation under control is virtually impossible".
Determine the functions of the adjectives highlithed in the sentence.
	predicative; predicative; predicative.
	attributive; attributive; predicative;
	predicative; attributive; attributive;
	attributive; attributive; attributive;
	attributive; predicative; predicative.

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