
Based on the discussion about verbal actions in nominal forms, analyze the sentence below: As if surprised by her irrational behavior, he left the ...

Based on the discussion about verbal actions in nominal forms, analyze the sentence below: As if surprised by her irrational behavior, he left the room, yelling at the neighbors. Mark the option that describes correctly the “packings” performed in the highlighted sentence.

The highlighted sentence shows a conditional clause that is reduced to a participle form and, secondly, a temporal clause that follows the same pattern.
A) A reason clause and a concessive clause were transformed in nominal phrases.
B) A conditional clause and a reason clause were reduced into participle clauses.
C) A wh-conditional clause and an alternative conditional clause were replaced by reason clauses.
D) A relative clause and an adverbial clause were reduced into participle clauses.
E) A conditional clause and a temporal clause were reduced into participle clauses.

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Exercícios Question 1
53 pág.

Ensino de Língua Inglesa Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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A opção correta que descreve corretamente as transformações realizadas na frase destacada é a opção B) Uma cláusula condicional e uma cláusula de motivo foram reduzidas a cláusulas de particípio.


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