
In the two texts, the word 'fogo' (fire) can be found. What is the correct option regarding this word? In the first text, the word was used with ...

In the two texts, the word 'fogo' (fire) can be found. What is the correct option regarding this word?

In the first text, the word was used with connotative meaning and in the second, with denotative meaning.
In the second text, the word was used with connotative meaning.
In the first text, the word was used with connotative meaning.
In both texts, the word was used with connotative meaning.
In both texts, the word was used with denotative meaning.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Teste de Conhecimento em Semiótica e Semiologia
5 pág.

Aspectos Semiológicos do Discurso Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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A alternativa correta é: "Na primeira texto, a palavra foi usada com significado conotativo e na segunda, com significado denotativo."


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