
(ENADE, 2010) Posture or body alignment refers to the position of the body when standing or moving and involves the balance of various body parts u...

(ENADE, 2010) Posture or body alignment refers to the position of the body when standing or moving and involves the balance of various body parts under the action of gravity (...) Good postural habits lead to good appearance, mechanical efficiency in movements, and a lower risk of injury, depending on strength and flexibility, combined with conscious and unconscious practice that produces these habits. Several studies have shown that technological advances resulting from the use of computers have contributed to the increase in low back pain, both in the workplace and at home. In this perspective, among the guidelines that should be transmitted by Physical Education professionals to computer users, include: I- M

A. The sentences I, III, and IV are correct.
B. The sentences II, III, and IV are correct.
C. The sentences I, II, and IV are correct.
D. The sentences I, II, and III are correct.

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Avaliação Final (Objetiva)- Educação Física Adaptada e Primeiros Socorros
7 pág.

Educação Física Adaptada e Primeiros Socorros AUPEXAUPEX

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A alternativa correta é a letra C. As sentenças I, II e IV estão corretas.


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