
Regarding the effects of the dilution of marital bonds, analyze the following sentences: I- The social problems faced by families can hinder or i...

Regarding the effects of the dilution of marital bonds, analyze the following sentences:

I- The social problems faced by families can hinder or impede the integral development of the child. Issues arising from the family environment such as illness, financial situation, parental separation, unemployment, and other aggravating factors are considered risk factors for their development.
II- The family-school relationship is consolidated when it becomes capable of improving the teaching-learning relationship. The lack of family participation in school activities prevents the realization of a common project. In addition, there are factors that can hinder the integral development of the student, such as parental separation or a certain socioeconomic condition of their family.
III- The integral development of the child, as well as their success or failure in school, is disconnected from social problems they may be facing, such as economic problems in their home, parental divorce, or illness in the family. The psychological climate of the home in which they live is disconnected from their school performance.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Avaliação II - Individual FLEX Infância e Saúde
7 pág.

Teorias da Socializacao Centro Universitário Leonardo da VinciCentro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci


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As frases I e II estão corretas, pois destacam a influência dos problemas sociais enfrentados pelas famílias no desenvolvimento integral da criança e na relação entre família e escola. Já a frase III está incorreta, pois afirma que o desenvolvimento da criança e seu desempenho escolar não estão relacionados aos problemas sociais que possam estar enfrentando, o que não condiz com a realidade.



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