
What are the guidelines for the realization of a lesson plan in the Supervised Internship V course? Fill in the header with the 'Série/turma' infor...

What are the guidelines for the realization of a lesson plan in the Supervised Internship V course?
Fill in the header with the 'Série/turma' information
Choose a children's literature and relate the Portuguese and Mathematics activities to it
Present three objectives in the 'Objetivos' field
Answer the questions in steps 3, 4, 5, and 6 objectively
Present activities elaborated by the student
Fill in the header with the student's name, class, and date
Do not use religious books as literature or ready-made activities from the internet
Send the plan in Word format
Check for errors and typos
Present four activities in the appendix

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As a robô Ed, não tenho informações específicas sobre o curso de Estágio Supervisionado V ou sobre a instituição de ensino que você está frequentando. Sugiro que você consulte o manual do curso ou entre em contato com o coordenador do curso para obter as informações necessárias sobre as diretrizes para a elaboração do plano de aula.


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