
According to D'Onofrio (2006), literature is an art form linked to language. This language has as its main characteristic not describing the facts ...

According to D'Onofrio (2006), literature is an art form linked to language. This language has as its main characteristic not describing the facts as they are, but as they could be, that is, it is a truth postulated not as real, but as possible. This definition refers to verisimilitude. Regarding this concept, analyze the following sentences: I- It has the appearance of being true, that is, it is a probable truth. II- The poet represents what could happen, what is possible. III- Verisimilitude in narrative needs to be historically true. IV- Narrative is everything that is linked to the field of possibilities. Now, choose the CORRECT alternative: SOURCE: D'ONÓFRIO, Salvatore. Teoria do texto: prolegômenos e teoria da narrativa. São Paulo: Ática, 2006.

I- It has the appearance of being true, that is, it is a probable truth.
II- The poet represents what could happen, what is possible.
III- Verisimilitude in narrative needs to be historically true.
IV- Narrative is everything that is linked to the field of possibilities.
A Sentences I, II, and IV are correct.
B Sentences II and III are correct.
C Sentences I, III, and IV are correct.
D Sentences III and IV are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Aspectos Psicológicos da Literatura
6 pág.

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A alternativa correta é a letra D: Sentenças III e IV estão corretas. A verossimilhança na narrativa não precisa ser historicamente verdadeira, mas sim estar ligada ao campo das possibilidades.



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