
Identify the correct statement about the contract of comodato de imóvel. a) The contract is for a period of 12 months. b) The comodante is respons...

Identify the correct statement about the contract of comodato de imóvel.

a) The contract is for a period of 12 months.
b) The comodante is responsible for the maintenance of the property.
c) The comodatário is not allowed to make any changes to the property without the written consent of the comodante.
d) The comodatário is allowed to sublet or rent the property to third parties.
a) The contract is for a period of 12 months.
b) The comodante is responsible for the maintenance of the property.
c) The comodatário is not allowed to make any changes to the property without the written consent of the comodante.
d) The comodatário is allowed to sublet or rent the property to third parties.

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3 pág.

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A alternativa correta sobre o contrato de comodato de imóvel é a seguinte: c) O comodatário não está autorizado a fazer alterações no imóvel sem o consentimento por escrito do comodante.



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