
What are the behaviors exhibited by Fábio during the Portuguese language activities? a) Lack of interest in the activities; Forgetting the activi...

What are the behaviors exhibited by Fábio during the Portuguese language activities?

a) Lack of interest in the activities; Forgetting the activities being performed; Needing help throughout the activities; Cooperating very little in the tasks; Frequently stating that he is unable to perform the activities; Not participating in assessment moments.
b) Lack of interest in the activities; Forgetting the activities being performed; Needing help throughout the activities; Cooperating very little in the tasks; Frequently stating that he is unable to perform the activities; Participating in assessment moments.
c) Lack of interest in the activities; Remembering the activities being performed; Needing help throughout the activities; Cooperating very little in the tasks; Frequently stating that he is unable to perform the activities; Not participating in assessment moments.

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Planejamento Escolar e Avaliação da Aprendizagem

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A resposta correta é a alternativa A) Lack of interest in the activities; Forgetting the activities being performed; Needing help throughout the activities; Cooperating very little in the tasks; Frequently stating that he is unable to perform the activities; Not participating in assessment moments.


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