
According to Brandão (2009), Emotion is a topic widely studied by Neuroscientists. It has already been found in several studies that emotional expe...

According to Brandão (2009), Emotion is a topic widely studied by Neuroscientists. It has already been found in several studies that emotional experience is not a standardized phenomenon, it varies from individual to individual and different contexts. In summary, emotion is expressed through motor behaviors as a result of sensations stimulated by the environment in which the person is located.
Considering the neuroscience of emotions, evaluate the following statements:

I. Emotion can encompass a set of thoughts and plans about an event that happened, is happening, or will happen, and one of the ways to manifest itself is through specific facial expressions.
II. Emotions can trigger changes

Correct alternative: Assertion I is true, and II is false.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Neurociência das Emoções
6 pág.

Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e da Aprendizagem Faculdade EstrategoFaculdade Estratego


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A afirmação correta é: A afirmação I é verdadeira, e a II é falsa.


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