
Consider the Lymphoid Hyperplasia: a) It is also called Palate Lymphoproliferative Disease, due to its most common location. b) It presents a Diff...

Consider the Lymphoid Hyperplasia:

a) It is also called Palate Lymphoproliferative Disease, due to its most common location.
b) It presents a Differential Diagnosis with malignant neoplasms, with histological characterization based on ductal architecture and tissue involvement pattern.
c) It is especially prevalent in the region of the Lingual Tonsil, floor of the mouth, and fauces pillars.
d) The involvement of the Lingual Tonsil presupposes aggressive and locally invasive behavior.

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A alternativa correta é a letra C: "É especialmente prevalente na região da Tonsila Lingual, assoalho da boca e pilares das fauces". As outras alternativas apresentam informações incorretas ou imprecisas sobre a Linfo-Hiperplasia.



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