
Sejam f left parenthesis x comma y right parenthesis equals x squared y plus 3 x y to the power of 4, x equals s e n theta e y equals c o s theta....

Sejam f left parenthesis x comma y right parenthesis equals x squared y plus 3 x y to the power of 4, x equals s e n theta e y equals c o s theta. Então fraction numerator d f over denominator d theta end fraction é igual à: A) fraction numerator d f over denominator d theta end fraction equals s e n left parenthesis 2 theta right parenthesis left parenthesis 2 x y plus 3 y to the power of 4 right parenthesis minus s e n left parenthesis theta right parenthesis left parenthesis x squared plus 12 x y cubed right parenthesis B) fraction numerator d f over denominator d theta end fraction equals 2 c o s left parenthesis 2 theta right parenthesis left parenthesis 2 x y plus 3 y to the power of 4 right parenthesis minus s e n left parenthesis theta right parenthesis left parenthesis x squared plus 12 x y cubed right parenthesis C) fraction numerator d f over denominator d theta end fraction equals s e n left parenthesis 2 theta right parenthesis left parenthesis 2 x y plus 3 y to the power of 4 right parenthesis plus s e n left parenthesis theta right parenthesis left parenthesis x squared plus 12 x y cubed right parenthesis D) fraction numerator d f over denominator d theta end fraction equals c o s left parenthesis 2 theta right parenthesis left parenthesis 2 x y plus 3 y to the power of 4 right parenthesis minus s e n left parenthesis theta right parenthesis left parenthesis x squared plus 12 x y cubed right parenthesis E) fraction numerator d f over denominator d theta end fraction equals c o s left parenthesis 2 theta right parenthesis left parenthesis 2 x y plus 3 y to the power of 4 right parenthesis minus s e n left parenthesis theta right parenthesis left parenthesis 12 x y cubed right parenthesis
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