
Read the extract of a text about the Internet and mark the alternative that presents a false statement about it: The Battle for the Internet by Ber...

Read the extract of a text about the Internet and mark the alternative that presents a false statement about it: The Battle for the Internet by Bernard Kouchner PARIS - In 2015, 3.5 billion people - half of mankind - will have access to the Internet. There has never been such a revolution in freedom of communication and freedom of expression. But how will this new medium be used? What obstacles will the enemies of the Internet come up with? Extremist, racist and defamatory Web sites and blogs disseminate odious opinions in real time. They have made the Internet a weapon of war and hate. Web sites are attacked. Violent movements spread propaganda and false information. It is very hard for democracies to control them. I do not subscribe to the naïve belief that a new technology, however efficient and powerful, is bound to advance liberty on all fronts. A) There is a prediction about the future of the Internet users for 2015, which says that about 50% of the population in our planet will have access to the internet. B) There are still some doubts about how Internet is going to be used in the future. C) The Internet has become a kind of weapon due to some extremist, racist and defamatory web sites and blogs which disseminate war and hate. D) Through the Internet, nowadays, peaceful movements are spreading just naïve propaganda of technological changes. E) The writer does not subscribe to the naïve belief that a new technology is bound to advance liberty on all fronts.


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Alternativa D) Through the Internet, nowadays, peaceful movements are spreading just naïve propaganda of technological changes. é falsa, pois o texto não menciona que os movimentos pacíficos estão espalhando propaganda ingênua de mudanças tecnológicas. O texto menciona que movimentos violentos estão espalhando propaganda e informações falsas.

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