
According to the National Curriculum Guidelines for Early Childhood Education, what is the principle V established by the RCNEI? Education can he...

According to the National Curriculum Guidelines for Early Childhood Education, what is the principle V established by the RCNEI?

Education can help develop the capacity to appropriate and know the bodily, affective, emotional, aesthetic, and ethical potentialities.
Respect for the dignity and rights of children, considered in their individual, social, economic, cultural, ethnic, religious, etc. differences.
The child's right to play, as a particular form of expression, thought, interaction, and child communication.
Access of children to the available sociocultural goods, expanding the development of capacities related to expression, communication, social interaction, thought, ethics, and aesthetics.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

QUESTIONÁRIO I - Metodologia de ensino ciencias e matematica
4 pág.

Matemática Centro Universitário UNIFAVENICentro Universitário UNIFAVENI


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O princípio V estabelecido pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação Infantil (RCNEI) é: "O acesso das crianças aos bens socioculturais disponíveis, ampliando o desenvolvimento das capacidades relativas à expressão, comunicação, interação social, pensamento, ética e estética".



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