
Choose the correct alternative regarding costs related to work accidents. Adjustable cost refers to expenses due to the employee's absence from t...

Choose the correct alternative regarding costs related to work accidents.

Adjustable cost refers to expenses due to the employee's absence from their usual occupation, damage caused to equipment and materials, disturbance of normal work, and uninsured assistance activities.
Uninsured cost is the amount corresponding to the total expenses not covered by work accident insurance.
Insured cost is the amount corresponding to the value of the damage caused to equipment and materials.
The cost of absenteeism is the amount corresponding to the total expenses covered by work accident insurance.
The cost of assistance is the amount corresponding to the value of the damage caused to equipment and materials.

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Administração Aplicada A Segurança do Trabalho Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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The correct alternative regarding costs related to work accidents is: Adjustable cost refers to expenses due to the employee's absence from their usual occupation, damage caused to equipment and materials, disturbance of normal work, and uninsured assistance activities.



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