
Identify the category of materials described below: (2) or more elements that differ in form and chemical composition. The great advantage is being...

Identify the category of materials described below: (2) or more elements that differ in form and chemical composition. The great advantage is being able to enhance some characteristics that would not be possible in the "in natura" material. It has high mechanical strength and low density, being produced for certain applications. As an example of this category, we can cite glass fibers and carbon fibers. 

A - Organic materials composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms linked together. They have a wide range of properties, including low density, high strength, and good ductility. They are widely used in the manufacture of plastics, rubber, and fibers.
B - Inorganic materials consisting of metallic and non-metallic elements interconnected. Their main advantages are high hardness and mechanical resistance at high temperatures, while their main disadvantage is fragility.
C - Consists of parts chemically linked together to form a solid. Usually made up of chains of carbon molecules and has a lot of variation in strength and ductility.
D - The most commonly used in industry. They are generally good conductors of electrical and thermal energy, and very resistant. Others can be ductile at room temperature. Metallic materials can be subdivided into ferrous and non-ferrous.

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The category of materials described is composite materials, which are composed of two or more elements that differ in form and chemical composition. The great advantage of composite materials is being able to enhance some characteristics that would not be possible in the "in natura" material. It has high mechanical strength and low density, being produced for certain applications. As an example of this category, we can cite glass fibers and carbon fibers.



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