
According to the content studied in the discipline and the content addressed in the book Gestão da Produção Industrial, what was Taylor's view of m...

According to the content studied in the discipline and the content addressed in the book Gestão da Produção Industrial, what was Taylor's view of man?

A - Each man must learn how to give up his particular way of doing things, adapt his methods to many new patterns, and grow accustomed to receiving and obeying orders, respective details, large and small, that in the past were left to his own judgment.
B - Each man must be responsible for his tasks, must accept and receive orders, always aiming for professional growth.
C - Each man must self-evaluate and understand that he needs a supervisory leader to establish orders and better monitor activity and productivity pace.
D - Each man must understand that he was born to receive orders and must adapt to such conditions, since even in small details the decision must come from a leader.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Administração de produção e Serviços
7 pág.

Administração da Produção e Serviços Centro Universitário UNINTERCentro Universitário UNINTER


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De acordo com o conteúdo estudado na disciplina e o conteúdo abordado no livro Gestão da Produção Industrial, a visão de Taylor sobre o homem era a alternativa A - Cada homem deve aprender a abandonar sua maneira particular de fazer as coisas, adaptar seus métodos a muitos novos padrões e acostumar-se a receber e obedecer ordens, respeitando detalhes, grandes e pequenos, que no passado eram deixados a seu próprio julgamento.



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