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101 Great Coaching Quotes
"Who, exactly, seeks out a coach?…Winners who want even more
out of life."
— Chicago Tribune, 12/17/00
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Executives and HR managers know coaching is the most potent
tool for inducing positive personal change, ensuring better-than-
average odds of success and making the change stick for the long
— The Ivy Business Journal, September-October 2000 issue
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Once reserved for executives and professional athletes, personal
coaches…are going mainstream.”
— Christian Science Monitor, 1/25/99
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Investment bankers, entrepreneurs, dentists, accountants,
secretaries, even homemakers are hiring coaches to help guide
them in everything from changing careers to starting a business to
balancing work and family.”
— Christian Science Monitor, 1/25/99
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“The hottest thing in management is the executive
coach…Coaches are everywhere these days…Corporate coaches
are in such demand that they can charge from $600 to $2,000 a
month for three or four 30- to 60-minute phone conversations.”
—Fortune, 5/21/00
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Part therapist, part consultant, part motivational expert, part
professional organizer, part friend, part nag — the personal coach
seeks to do for your life what a personal trainer does for your body.”
— Kim Palmer, Minneapolis-St. Paul Star-Tribune, 5/26/98
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“People who want to stand out at work or face a job crisis
increasingly turn to career coaches. There are now an estimated
10,000 coaches nationwide, up from 5,300 in 1998.”
— The Wall Street Journal, 6/26/01
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Once used to bolster troubled staffers, coaching now is part of the
standard leadership development training for elite executives and
talented up-and-comers at IBM, Motorola, J.P. Morgan, Chase, and
Hewlett Packard. These companies are discreetly giving their best
prospects what star athletes have long had: a trusted adviser to
help reach their goals.”
— CNN.com, 5/28/01
101 Great Coaching Quotes
 “Got a nagging feeling that your life could be more fulfilling? Want
to change direction but aren't sure how to do it? Here's how to jump
start your new life today…Hire a personal coach.”
— Modern Maturity, January-February 2000
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Increasingly nonprofit executives and managers are finding
coaches a terrific sounding board and source of help in a
demanding and complex job.”
— Nonprofit World, 9/1/99
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“How do you define success? That's not a trick question, and there
are no wrong answers. For some, obviously, success means
money. Others rate emotional happiness as being more important.
Yet others rate popularity above all else. Regardless of how you
define success, an emerging specialty called 'success coaching'
(also known as personal and professional coaching) offers the
chance to visualize your highest goals and stay on track to achieve
— Central New York Business Journal, 5/25/98
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Personal coaches are a hot commodity among executives these
days. Never mind the mansion, the Mercedes, the membership in
the exclusive country club. In corporate America today, the sign
that you have truly arrived — or at least that you are being groomed
for arrival — is an executive coach. Your own personal coach, that
is. Even if the coach's assignment is to render you less obnoxious,
his or her presence at your elbow signals that you are regarded by
the company as entirely too valuable to fire or shoot.”
— Training, 3/1/98
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Almost overnight, it seems, executive coaching has turned into an
industry. And business is booming.”
— Training, 3/1/98
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“For years, business people have used corporate coaches to help
their companies work more effectively. Now, an increasing number
of individuals are turning to coaches for help in finding balance in
their personal lives.”
— The Spokane Spokesman Review, 12/15/98
101 Great Coaching Quotes
”Coaching started in the business world to help stressed executives
cope with their professional and personal lives, and it still thrives in
the corporate environment. But individuals are increasingly turning
to coaching for help with all sorts of challenges.”
— Kim Palmer, Minneapolis-St. Paul Star-Tribune, 5/26/98
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“'Very Satisfactory' …This was the way clients most frequently
rated the overall effectiveness of their coaching experience on a 5-
point scale, where 4 was very satisfactory. The positive image of
executive coaching in business media and the continued growth of
the practice are supported by client experience.”
— Organizational Dynamics, 1/1/99
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Coaching can certainly help you strengthen your sense of self-
worth, focus on your goals — and get there, fast.”
— The London Daily Telegraph, 3/22/99
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“People usually turn to coaches for professional and career growth.
They want help in setting goals, solving problems or acquiring new
skills. But business coaching often leads to personal insights.
Clients are better able to deal with obstacles and change. It's easier
to balance work life with their personal life. And in some cases, it
gives them the courage to pursue dream.”
— The Arizona Republic, 10/31/98
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“I first heard about personal coaches five years ago — at the same
time personal fitness coaches were beginning to flex their muscles.
The two fields are related: coaches in both areas help you achieve
your potential…Personal coaches provide powerful professional
insights. My personal advice: Get one.”
— Chicago Tribune, 5/17/98
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Today's managers, professionals, and entrepreneurs are hiring
coaches to help them with time management, a change in career,
or balancing their work and personal lives. People are looking to
coaches as sounding boards and motivators who can offer a fresh
perspective on career and life problems — but without the
conflicting agendas of a spouse, family member, or even a mentor.”
— Fortune, 9/28/98
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“The number of executives hiring personal coaches is rocketing as
more and more professionals turn to outside help for advice in how
to manage their day, dollars, employees, develop better leadership
skills and maximize effectiveness.”
— London Evening Standard, 6/11/99
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“If you're thinking of overhauling your career to achieve a more
fulfilling life, consider joining the estimated 100,000 Americans who
annually enlist the help of some 4,000 personal coaches each
— Money, December 1997
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“The benefits we've seen in our experience and in talking with
others who have implemented executive coaching include positive
behavior change and enhanced skills and knowledge.”
— Training & Development, 3/1/99
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Most leaders like executive coaching because: they receive direct
one-on-one assistance from someone they respect; they don't have
to leave their offices; it fits their timeframes and schedules; they
can see fast results, if they're dedicated.”
— Training & Development, 3/1/99
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“The ROI with executive coaching is often veryhigh — especially if
you calculate the value of a high-level executive salary and the
return-on-improvement in skill level and decision making.”
— Training & Development, 3/1/99
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“The present research demonstrated the dramatic effects of one-
on-one executive coaching as a transfer of training tool…There are
a number of explanations for the dramatic increase in productivity
resulting from coaching.”
— Public Personnel Management, 12/22/97
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“How do you provide career development as a just-in-time, bottom-
line-driven business activity? For an increasing number of
organizations, the answer seems to be executive coaching. In
recent years, there has been an explosion in its use.”
— Organizational Dynamics, 1/1/99
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“…a personal coach is better than a best friend.”
— Sausalito.net, August 2000
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Inside every successful business person is an even more
ambitious one trying to get out. He or she just needs a little help.”
— “Someone To Watch Over You,”
Australian Financial Review, 10/9/00
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Coaching can be an effective means of improving business results
while also contributing to executive development. Good coaching
affords 'protean learning' for executives, resulting in greater self
knowledge, new perspectives, improved performance and greater
— Organizational Dynamics, 1/1/99
101 Great Coaching Quotes
 “Coaching is an action-oriented partnership that, unlike
psychotherapy which delves into patterns of the past, concentrates
on where you are today and how you can reach your goals.”
— Time, 10/16/00
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“What exactly is a coach? Part personal consultant, part sounding
board, part manager. Yes, manager. Remember him? That person
whose job used to be to advise, motivate, and train — but whose
nose is now mostly stuck in e-mail? For a surprising number of
people, it is now the coach — not the boss — who pushes them to
hire, to fire, to fine-tune a sales pitch, to stretch.”
— Fortune, 5/21/00
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Coaches work with clients in all areas including business, career,
finances, health and relationships.”
— Sausalito.net, August 2000
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“As a result of coaching, clients set better goals, take more action,
make better decisions, and more fully use their natural strengths.”
— Sausalito.net, August 2000
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Coaching is not about the past or figuring out why and how life got so
complicated or overwhelming. It is about moving forward on the things
that matter most to you, dissolving barriers and blocks to your own
success, and designing a life that you love.”
— Sausalito.net, August 2000
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“The coaching relationship also has a unique structure. After an
initial assessment of the client's situation, the coach and client set
specific goals for the client. In each subsequent meeting with the
client, the coach determines what goals have been met and why
other goals were not. Different set of goals is agreed upon for the
following meeting. The coach prods the client to keep to the action
— The Business Journal, April 1999
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Today's managers, professionals and entrepreneurs are hiring
coaches to help them with time management, a change in career or
balancing their work and personal lives.”
— Fortune, 9/28/98
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Part consultant, part motivational speaker, part therapist, and part
rent-a-friend, coaches work with managers, entrepreneurs, and just
plain folks, helping them define and achieve their goals — career,
personal, or most often, both.”
— Kendall Hamilton, Newsweek, 2/5/96
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“…the quickly growing wave of coaching relationships that are
helping small-business owners improve their business skills,
recalibrate their approaches to management, and, often, totally
reboot and rebalance themselves as leaders on the job and in the
home and community.”
— Dale D. Bliss, Nation’s Business, December 1998
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Coaches can help entrepreneurs get their personal lives in order,
which can go a long way toward solving what may have looked like
purely business problems.”
— Dale D. Bliss, Nation’s Business, December 1998
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“A major benefit of coaching is having someone who helps you see
your strengths and weaknesses and use them to accomplish your
— Kim Palmer, Minneapolis-St. Paul Star-Tribune, 5/26/98
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Using [coaching] instead of sending executives and managers to
seminars two or three times a year can be more beneficial to
ongoing career development, not to mention less expensive…”
— “Coaches Pump Your Career into Shape,”
PC Week, 12/20-27/99
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“If you want to build your business and at the same time have a
rewarding personal life, you call a coach.”
— Robert Schwab, “Businesses Hire Coaches to Build Winning
Teams,” Denver Post, 10/18/98
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Coaching started in the business world to help stressed out
executives cope with their professional and personal lives, and it
still thrives in the corporate environment. But, increasingly,
individuals are turning to coaches for help with every sort of
— Diane White, Boston Globe, 2/23/98
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Coaching is the latest and most pervasive evolution in the self-
improvement industry.”
— Career Confidential
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“In the next few years, coaching will become the norm in the
business world.”
— Amy Joyce, Washington Post, 6/28/98
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“[Your coach] will guide you to a fuller life or a slimmer figure.
Whatever you want. Your weakness is his challenge.”
— Craig Wilson, USA Today, 6/3/96
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Want to get even further ahead?…What you need is a coach, your
own personal motivator. They're not just for top-ranked tennis
players anymore.
—Lydia Martin, Miami Herald, 3/6/96
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“At a time when companies are downsizing and out placing…at a
time when boomers are facing 50, coaches are easing traumatic
— “Career Coaches Offer Help in the Game of Life,”
Long Beach Press-Telegram, 7/9/96
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“The benefits of coaching appear to win over even the most cynical
clients within just a few weeks.”
— Shari Caudron, “Hire A Coach?” Industry Week, 10/21/96
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“A coach maybe the guardian angel you need to rev up your
— Money, 7/12/97
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“[other companies] offer coaching as a prerequisite to proven
managers, in the understanding that everyone can benefit from a
detached observer.”
— Trip Gabriel, “Earning It: Personal Trainers to Buff the Boss’s
People Skills,” New York Times, 4/28/96
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“The goal of coaching is the goal of good management — to make
the most of an organization's valuable resources.”
— J. Waldroop & T. Butler, “The Executive as Coach,”
Harvard Business Review, November-December 1996
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Executive coaches are not for the meek. They're for people who
value unambiguous feedback. All coacheshave one thing in
common, it's that they’re ruthlessly results-oriented.”
— Claire Tristan, Fast Company, October 1996
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks, career coaches find
themselves busier than ever.”
—Kris Maher, “Attacks Change Dynamics for Many Career
Coaches, ” The Wall Street Journal Online, 11/2/01
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Bryant McAfee, 35, is convinced that his coach helped him to
achieve a vice president position within eight months in the pay TV
channel PlayboyTV. His coach supported him to better focus on the
essentials in his job, says McAfee.”
— Wirtschaftswoche (weekly German business publication), 7/3/97
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“During her 23 years at the advertising agency Campbell Mithun
Esty, where Beth Miller is a senior vice president, she has used
mentors to help her navigate an industry still run by men. She also
has hired a personal coach to help her set and achieve goals.
Coaches and mentors have played complementary but distinct
roles in Miller's life. As coaching becomes more trendy among
harried professionals, however, she's concerned the terms are
being confused. ‘I think of a coach like a personal trainer who
pushes me to lift more weights,’ Miller says. ‘A mentor is a more
experienced running partner.’
—St. Paul (MN) Pioneer Press, 4/11/99
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Jim Parkhurst, senior engineer at MCI WorldCom, in Fremont, Calif., so values
his coaching that he's willing to pay for it out of his own pocket. ‘ It’s like going to
the gym with a personal trainer. It's a much more focused event, as opposed to
going to the gym alone or just having a mentor to casually talk about things,’
explains Parkhurst, who works with Ferro Nyalka. ‘Here, it's my agenda, not the
coach's. We're really defining what my goals are, the best courses of actions,
and what am I diverging from. I have a lot less stress about changes, as well as
an ability to see clearly what needs to be done to better position myself.’”
“Clients also say that coaches give them a fresh perspective. ‘ A lot of times
you're fighting fires and don't see an easier way to solve the problem,’ Parkhurst
says. The objective, distanced view of a coach can also lead to new ways of
looking at issues because the coach's ideas aren't limited by politics or a position
within the company.”
— Infoworld, 5/24/99
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“’Even modest improvements can justify hiring a coach,’ says
Jerome Abarbanel, Vice President of Executive Resources for
Citibank: ‘An investment of $30,000 or so in an executive who has
responsibility for tens of millions of dollars is a rounding error.
Coaching is a success if one subordinate who was too intimidated
to speak before comes up with a good idea.’
— Fortune, 12/27/93
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“The things I've gained are worth much more [than the $260
monthly fee], says Dominick Bencivenga from Huntington Station,
manager of Citibank’s Commack branch, and a client of Nancy
Powers, a coach from Bayville. LILCO and phone bills are
expenses. This is an investment. I'm designing my life. Coaching
has given me an energy to put more of the things I want in my life,
he says. I can now focus my downtime, which used to be wasted
— Patricia Kitchen, The Long Island Newspaper, 3/17/96
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Beaverton's Northwest Micro Inc., which made Inc. Magazine's 1992 list of fastest-
growing businesses in the nation, hired Dawn AnJolais of Portland six months ago to
help the sales team meet the expectations of Mary Hanigan, the manager.”
“I thought she would work with the sales staff and make them wonderful, Hanigan
recalled. The first thing I learned was, ‘oops, we have to go back and work on the
“AnJolais spent four months helping Hanigan manage her anger and improve her
motivational skills. Then she worked with the sales force helping them on such things
as time management and goal setting.”
“’I coach people who want a better way than they've been doing it,’ AnJolais said. ‘
I'm trained to point attention to where it needs to be so you can direct the effort.”
“’I could have used my training budget to send my sales people to seminars,’
Hanigan said. ‘ But I thought this would give us the ability to break out of old habits.’”
“‘After six months of coaching, I'm not unhappy with the investment.’”
— Roger Crockett, The Oregonian, 5/19/96
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“After all, don't we all benefit from encouragement, objectivity and
structure in our lives?”
— Sausalito.net, August 2000
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Even if executive coaching costs $50K (which it doesn't), it's barely
a rounding error to invest in the coaching of a key player who has
responsibility for millions of dollars and for key human resources.
Coaching is a success if one direct report, who used to be
intimidated to speak up, comes up with an innovative idea.”
— CEO, Fortune 100 Company
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“I'll bet most of the companies that are in life-or-death battles got
into that kind of trouble because they didn't pay enough attention to
developing their leaders.”
— Wayne Calloway, Chairman, Pepsico Inc.
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“When you understand the definition of coaching, it seems that
everyone should have one!”
— Sausalito.net, August 2000
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Metropolitan Life Financial Services offered an intensive coaching
program to part of its retail sales force. They found that productivity
among those salespeople coached increased by an average of 35%,
while 50% identified new markets to develop. Perhaps most important,
Metropolitan has retained all of the salespeople who had the coaching—a
big deal, since industry statistics show that each representative who
leaves a company with three years' experience cost $140,000 to replace.
In all, the coaching program which cost about $620,000, delivered $3.2
million in measurable gains: A 5.16 ROI.”
—"Executive Coaching: An Investment in Creating Masterful Leadership,”
The Rowell Consulting Group, www.enhanceleaders.com
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Ask Jeff Immelt (the new CEO of General Electric) about coaching
to and you will probably get a resounding thumbs up for the
concept. After all, in Jack Welch, it's not every day you are given
the opportunity be coached by one the most famous and successful
business figures of your generation!”
— “Perspectives on Coaching,” Journal of Management
Development, Volume 20, #5, 2001
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Coaching usually refers to a relationship between an individual and
a trained professional who work on a set of pre-defined objectives
with the aim of achieving particular goals or targets. Coaching
protagonists believe that as a result of this relationship, greater
results can be achieved and an individual can go on to do things
that would otherwise have been impossible.”
— “Perspectives on Coaching,” Journal of Management
Development, Volume 20, #5, 2001
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“I see coaching as a gift and a positive and energizing experience which
above all enables an executive to shake off what may in fact be deeply
held automatic beliefs and behaviors that are inhibiting performance and
career development. I spent twenty-six years at my previous employer
and my confidence increased so substantially as a result of coaching that
I declared an ambitious commitment to the directors to win additional
business. I estimate that I was able to add more than £15 million of extra
value through interventions I initiated directly linked to what I had learntin
— Head of Organizational Development at a large bank, ”Perspectives on
Coaching,” Journal of Management Development, Volume 20, #5, 2001
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“…[A coach is] part advisor, part sounding board, part cheerleader,
part manager and part strategist.”
— The Business Journal, 4/10/00
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Coaches are everywhere these days. Companies hire them to
shore up executives or, in some cases, to ship them out. Division
heads hire them as change agents. Workers at all levels of the
corporate ladder, fed up with a lack of advice from inside the
company, are taking matters into their own hands and enlisting
coaches for guidance on how to improve their performance, boost
their profits, and make better decisions about everything from
personnel to strategy.”
— Betsy Morris, “So You’re a Player. Do You Need a Coach?”
Fortune, 2/21/00
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“The leaders of organizations such as Alcoa, American Red Cross,
AT&T, Ford, Northwestern Mutual Life, 3M, UPS, American
Standard, the federal governments of the United States and
Canada are convinced that coaching works to develop people and
increase productivity. “
— C2M: Consulting to Management, September 2001
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Motorola say they expect to spend in the low millions this year on
executive coaching for their best middle managers.“
— C2M: Consulting to Management, September 2001
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Unilever, the Anglo-Dutch conglomerate, has thirty coaches
working in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa with 250 top
— C2M - Consulting to Management, September 2001
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“What's really driving the boom in coaching, is this: as we move
from 30 miles an hour to 70 to 120 to 180…as we go from driving
straight down the road to making right turns and left turns to
abandoning cars and getting on motorcycles…the whole game
changes, and a lot of people are trying to keep up, learn how not
fall off.”
— John Kotter, Professor of Leadership,
Harvard Business School
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Across corporate America, coaching sessions at many companies
have become as routine for executives as budget forecasts and
quota meetings.”
— Gary Stern, “A Coached CEO Can Be that Winning Edge,”
Investor's Business Daily, 2/28/00
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Justin Yaros, CIO at Los Angeles-based 20th Century Fox, took
this advice a step further: He hired an executive coach when he
first became CIO. He says the coach gave him useful advice on
how to handle the job of CIO and how to develop a leadership
agenda. He found it so helpful that he hired her to coach some of
his direct reports as part of an overall leadership development
— CIO Magazine, 12/15/99-1/1/00
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“The demand for Executive Coaches has skyrocketed over the past
5 years…today's executive coach (EC) is intended to help leaders
and potential leaders across the rocky, wild, and challenging road
of organizational growth in today's dynamic and unstable work
— The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology,
American Psychological Association
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“We've done lots of research over the past three years, and we've
found that leaders who have the best coaching skills have better
business results.”
— Tanya Clemens, V.P. of Global Executive & Organizational
Development at IBM, Time, 9/25/00
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Coaching is the only cost-effective way to reinforce new behaviors
and skills until a learner is through the dangerous results dip. Once
through the dip, when the new skills bring results, they will become
— Training and Development Journal
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Corporations believe that coaching helps keep employees and that
the dollar investment in it is far less than the cost of replacing an
— David A. Thomas, Fitzhugh Professor of Business
Administration, Harvard Business School, Time, 9/25/00
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Bob Wright, an executive coach, says his clients are needing him
even more during the downturn, tough times are a great opportunity
for those businesses who can make the hard, right decisions during
difficult transition and adjustment periods and that's what coaching
is all about, learning how to change and grow.”
— Management Today
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“If ever stressed-out corporate America could use a little couch-
time, it’s now. Trust in big companies is at an all-time low. Baby-
boomers have been burned; Gen Xers aren't expecting the
corporation to take care of them. Under the circumstances,
employees are much likelier to go outside and get independent
advice to help them be better managers”
— Karen Cates, Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior,
Northwestern University, Kellogg Graduate School of Management
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Between 25 percent and 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies use
executive coaches”
— Recent survey by The Hay Group,
an International Human Resources consultancy
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process
to draw out the skills or talent that was previously hidden within an
individual, and which invariably finds a way to solve a problem
previously thought unsolvable,”
— John Russell, Managing Director, Harley-Davidson Europe Ltd.
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Asked for a conservative estimate of the monetary payoff from the
coaching they got, these managers described an average return of
more than $100,000, or about six times what the coaching had cost
their companies.”
— “Executive Coaching — With Returns a CFO Could Love,”
Fortune, 2/19/01
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Coaching is the number two growth industry right behind IT
(Information Technology) jobs, and it's the number one home-
based profession.”
— Start-Ups Magazine
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never reach their
maximum capabilities”
— Bob Nardelli, CEO, Home Depot
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Tiger Woods has one. Pete Sampras has one. So why not small
business owners?”
— Charles Boisseau, “Put Me In, Coach,”
localbusiness.com, 9/18/00
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Coaching — which can help managers talk with subordinates
about their developmental needs — absolutely affects the
relationship positively"
— Francine Russo, “Play of the Day,” Time, 9/25/00
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Leaders view themselves more as a coach than the person in
—Frank Blount, former CEO of Telstra
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“When W.L. (Trey) Crowdus, then a 41-year-old strategic marketing
consultant in Austin, Tex., sought a CEO post three years ago, he
had help from an executive coach…Within three months, Crowdus
was hired as CEO of Ambiatech, an Austin environmental
company…In the interview game, coaches can take your play to a
new level.”
— BusinessWeek Investor, 10/22/01
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Most executives seek out a coach when they know they need to
make improvements, but they don’t know how to do it. It’s like
baseball, if we were swinging the bat perfectly we wouldn’t have
— Barbara Brannen, former Vice President of Human Resources
for Qwest Communications
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Coaches aren't just for sports: They goad you,guide you on the
road to success”
— Cynthia Flash, Seattle Times, 6/18/01
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Coaches provide inspiration, and consultants provide information”
— Jeremy Robinson, President of Robinson Capital
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“In the past, executive coaching was viewed as a perk; now
companies realize it can help their bottom line”
— Steven Hilferty, CEO of Silicon Valley Coaching
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“You've really got to have someone from the outside who says, `All
right John, what are we out to achieve? Why are these good goals?
Why is this a good strategy?' he said. And then hold you
— Tapei Times Online, 6/28/01
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Coaching simply speeds up a process of change that would most
likely occur anyway if an individual had enough time. Without a
coaching program that forces a client to focus and make time,
people sometimes miss the real issues they need to focus on.”
— The Ivy Business Journal, September-October 2000
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“The hottest thing in management is the executive coach — part
boss, part consultant, part therapist.”
— Betsy Morris, “So You’re a Player. Do You Need a Coach?”
Fortune, 2/21/00
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Ernst partner Barry Mabry has found a coach to be a valuable sounding board in
today's crazy business climate. He'd received a notice last year telling him that
coaching would be available to Ernst & Young partners. He made a call and soon
found himself on the phone with 'a strange woman.' (It was Cynder Niemela.) 'I was in
New Orleans; she was in San Francisco. She didn’t know much about my area of
work,' he recalls. But within 20 minutes, he decided she could be both trusted and
Ever since, he has had routine telephone conversations with her in which he has
discussed matters ranging from the mundane (how to improve communications with
subordinates) to the cosmic (what do you want to get out of life?). 'Why do I need a
coach?' he muses. 'I've wrestled with this.’ He’s a corporate finance partner in New
Orleans. He has been with Ernst 27 years. He's successful; he's happy. His recent
performance review was quite flattering. 'Perhaps it's for the same reason that Tiger
Woods needs a coach or Pete Sampras needs a coach,' says Mabry. 'Tiger Woods
would say, 'I know how to play golf.' But his coach is probably the most important
person in his life.'“
— Betsy Morris, “So You’re a Player. Do You Need a Coach?” Fortune, 2/21/00
101 Great Coaching Quotes
“Several years ago Bradford was another middle-management burnout
candidate: on the job early each morning, on the phone each night until ten,
giving far too little time to her family. She was facing a stressful mid-career move
from Washington, D.C., back to Maine and a big transition to a new job at Met
Life. But a boss let her in on his little secret: He had a personal coach. She might
want to get one too. A friend of hers, who also had a coach, made the referral,
and Bradford began having weekly phone conversations with Talane Miedaner,
an executive coach in New York City who has worked with people at Bear
Stearns, Citicorp, Motorola, Salomon Smith Barney, and Sears.
Miedaner pushed Bradford to reexamine her goals and values. She helped her to
reclaim control of her time. Often, she helped her with the nitty-gritty of her job.
As is so common with salespeople, Bradford had a habit of overpromising.
Miedaner coached her to under promise and over deliver--much more
impressive. Miedaner helped Bradford plot strategies for opening doors with
prospective clients, and rehearsed with her when Bradford interviewed for
promotion. Bradford began to believe that if something felt impossible or
outrageous, it was exactly the right thing to do. (continued on next page)
101 Great Coaching Quotes
Bradford says her year of coaching 'was like a grenade in my life that’s still going
off.' It taught her, she says, that 'people have to take more responsibility for their
own growth and development. They can't depend on human resources. Coaches
can help people come to grips with huge changes in the way we do work, in
getting through big transitions.”
— Betsy Morris, “So You’re a Player. Do You Need a Coach?” Fortune, 2/21/00