
What were the main results of the research? a. Students prefer remote learning over face-to-face learning. b. Students do not want to return to f...

What were the main results of the research?

a. Students prefer remote learning over face-to-face learning.
b. Students do not want to return to face-to-face learning after the pandemic.
c. Students have a more positive evaluation of their learning in face-to-face activities compared to remote activities.
d. Students have the same perception of face-to-face and remote learning.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Percepção de discentes sobre retorno presencial pós-pandemia
2 pág.

Organização e Metodologia da Educação Infantil


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The main results of the research are: a. Students prefer remote learning over face-to-face learning. b. Students do not want to return to face-to-face learning after the pandemic. c. Students have a more positive evaluation of their learning in face-to-face activities compared to remote activities. d. Students have the same perception of face-to-face and remote learning. Please note that these results are based on the information provided in the question.



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