
Regarding Fernando, a lawyer who had his registration canceled due to exercising police activity and later retired, what is the correct alternative...

Regarding Fernando, a lawyer who had his registration canceled due to exercising police activity and later retired, what is the correct alternative regarding a new registration request?

I - Fernando must prove his civil capacity, not exercise an activity incompatible with law practice, have moral integrity, and take an oath before the Council to obtain a new registration.
II - Fernando must prove his civil capacity, not exercise an activity incompatible with law practice, and have moral integrity to obtain a new registration.
III - Fernando must prove his civil capacity, not exercise an activity incompatible with law practice, and take an oath before the Council to obtain a new registration.
IV - Fernando must prove his civil capacity, not exercise an activity incompatible with law practice, have moral integrity, and take an oath before the Court to obtain a new registration.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Caderno de Questões (1)
29 pág.

Oab 1° Fase Humanas / SociaisHumanas / Sociais


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A alternativa correta é a III - Fernando deve comprovar sua capacidade civil, não exercer atividade incompatível com a prática da advocacia e prestar um juramento perante o Conselho para obter um novo registro.



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