
Assuming that the text is part of a multiple-choice question, which of the following statements is CORRECT about eggplant? A. It is a good source ...

Assuming that the text is part of a multiple-choice question, which of the following statements is CORRECT about eggplant?

A. It is a good source of vitamin C.
B. It contains calcium and iron, which help fight cramps.
C. Insoluble fibers, such as pectin, help with intestinal function.
D. It has a high sodium content and is not recommended for heart patients.
E. It contains anthocyanin, an antioxidant found in its skin.
A. A is correct.
B. B is correct.
C. C is correct.
D. D is correct.
E. E is correct.

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Nutrição Funcional e Fitoterapia Faculdade MetropolitanaFaculdade Metropolitana


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The correct statement about eggplant is E. It contains anthocyanin, an antioxidant found in its skin.



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